2024 Deans', Chancellor's and Steck Awards

Deans' Awards are granted to 50 of the most outstanding undergraduate research theses or projects completed during the current academic year, 10 from each of the academic divisions. Chancellor's Awards are granted to the the top three Deans' Awards projects in each academic division. Both awards recognize excellence in undergraduate research as evidenced through completed projects and theses. Each Dean's Award project will receive a $100 award. Each Chancellor's Award project will receive a $500 award. The Steck Award is given to the most outstanding Chancellor's Award winning project. 

The Chancellor's Awards Ceremony is available to watch here: https://vimeo.com/953660070


Each student or student team worked on a senior research or milestone project and is mentored by a UCSC faculty member, postdoc, graduate student, or researcher (noted in parentheses below). A committee in each division selects the Deans’ Award recipients. Winners of the Chancellor’s Award are recognized as being one of the top 3 projects from each of the five Divisions. The winner of the Steck Family Award for outstanding research project will be denoted with an *

Arts Division

Chancellor Award Winners

Kairo Chin (Porter): Clyde's

Kyla Perkins (Merrill): Theories on How to Decarcerate the Museum

Danny Moshayedi (Stevenson), Katherine Garcia De La Rosa (Kresge), Madeline Finkel (Kresge): Unforgettable Lies: Framing Jamie Snow

Dean's Award Winners

Zella Bonita Vacaron (Kresge): From Giving Violets to Gaining Visibility: Looking at Artwork by Self-Identified Lesbian Artists

Alice Barreras (Porter): Always Offer a Gift of Silver to the First Magpie Seen in Spring

Lily Mia Nash (Carson): Climate Grief Quilting Bee

Kasey Morales (Kresge): Fragmented Mind of the Torn Soul / Womanhood

Celeste Wilkinson (Merrill): Hybridity of Costume and the Development of Race: Conflicting Meanings within the Portrait of Don Francisco de Arobe and Sons Pedro and Domingo

Cecelia Selznick (Stevenson): Indigenous Land Politics: Artistic Resistance Presented by Zapatista Climate Justice

Chanel Chavira (Stevenson): The Reclamation of Hawaiian Featherwork: Exploring History and Tradition in Relation to the Present

Baskin School of Engineering

Chancellor Award Winners

Coen Adler (Crown): Fair Augmentation of Decision Trees Through Selective Node Retraining

Natalie Valett  (Nine): Connectivity-Based Heuristic Algorithms for Restoration Prioritization

Danielle Haley  (Porter): Structure and antigenicity of the porcine astrovirus 4 capsid spike

Dean's Award Winners

John Minnick (Carson): Automated tools for accurate and precise dosing of granular solids

Yuhao Chen (JR Lewis), Hanwen Yang (JR Lewis), Chloe Wong (JR Lewis), Juan Aguenza (Cowell), Sai Bhujangari (Cowell), Benthan Vu (Cowell): Assessing the Impact of Prompting Methods on ChatGPT’s Mathematical Capabilities

Luqman Zaceria (Cowell): Automatic Vectorization of Architectural Floor Plans

Siddarth Mamidanna (Crown), Shiyuan Huang (Merrill), Shreedhar Jangam (JR Lewis): Can Large Language Models Explain Themselves? A Study of LLM-Generated Self-Explanations

Akhil Gunasekaran (Crown): Knowledge Distillation Through Time For Future Event Prediction

Varun Kodur (Crown), Jordan Nichols (Stevenson), Allison Jaballas (Crown), Julia Saltz (Cowell), Nikita Rajesh (Crown), James Larbalestier (Kresge), Zokhira Mukhammadyunusova (JR Lewis), Tyler Gaw (Oakes), Srikar Bevara (JR Lewis), Mckenna Smith (Crown), Ashlyn Nhu-Ngoc Huynh (Nine), Blanca Gil (Merrill), Katherine Warren (Cowell), Daniel Li (Porter), Edgar D Cruz (Crown): TABI: Toxic Algal Bloom Interference

Ananthajit Srikanth (Nine), Chi Jasmine Tai (JR Lewis): Embers, Wind, and Fire: An investigation of the effects of embers and wind on wildfire propagation

Humanities Division

Chancellor Award Winners

Jacob Press (Stevenson): “You Just Take It For Granted When You're Growing Up”: Filipino Cockfighting in the Pajaro Valley

Ian Doyle (ihdoyle) (Oakes): Red Dawn Over Derry: A History of Socialist Republicanism and Radicalism in the Troubles

Ethan Waldo (ewaldo) (JR Lewis): Regulation of Prostitution in 19th Century Paris: Effects of Urbanization on Sexual Institutions

Dean's Award Winners

Jackson Young (Cowell), Isabel De Blois (Kresge), Valerie Sainz (Stevenson): A Night in Harlem: Mapping the Nightclubs of 1930's Harlem

Leonardo Colletta (Stevenson): Ireland As We Would Surely Have Her

Maia Mislang (Porter): Sex Work and Prostitution in the American-Occupied Philippines

Bronwyn Eyre (Stevenson): Silent Soldiers: Uncovering the Stories of Indigenous Nurses in the First World War

Molly Maher (Porter): Tensions in Paradise: The Om Commune as an Alternative Cultural Experiment

Lily Marx (Kresge): the earth as skin

Physical & Biological Sciences Division

Chancellor Award Winners

Aditi Gangadharan (Nine): Optics Testing for SCALES

Darshika Ravulapalli (Kresge): Adressing Discrepancies Within Emission-line Modeling Using a Machine Learning Approach

*Eva Zlimen (Carson): Extensive Ice Pollution of Uranus and Neptune's Atmospheres by Upsweep of Material During the Nice Model Migration

Dean's Award Winners

Alekhya Meduri (Crown): Equipped with a Cre-Dependent CRISPR-CAS9 System to Investigate Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Bengalese Finch Models

Anna Voznyuk (Merrill): Biogeography and activity of cyanobacterial and non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs throughout the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre

Darian Mohsenin (Kresge): Mapping Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression across the Developing Songbird Forebrain

Kathryn Echandia-Monroe (Nine): Comparative RNA sequencing analysis reveals KRAS A146P presence in rare form of Gliosarcoma

Keaton Ferguson (Crown): Accuracy of the disconnected bump scan conducted on ATLAS prototype pixel modules using the RD53a readout chip

Nitya Jain (Nine): Phylogenetic Analysis of Type II Toxin-Antitoxin Systems

Olivia Jackson (Carson): PIENU to PIONEER: Constraints on Rare Pion Decays in Search of Dark Sector Physics

Social Sciences Division

Chancellor Award Winners

Alexandra Singer (Nine)Repression and Mobilization in the Digital Age: a Triangular Set of Relations

Lila Bell (Kresge)Women Talking: Postfeminism, Neoliberalism, and the Requirements of Womanhood

*Ameyalli De La Rosa (Merrill)¡El es Dios!: Mexican Folk Catholicism and its Rebellious Ecologies

Dean's Award Winners

Gerard Labriola (Merrill)Bringing Each Other to Greatness: Narratives of the Revolutionary Vanguard and Horizontal Alternatives in Zapatista Theory and Practice

Reva Samant (Merrill)Ending Solitary Confinement: A Look Outside the Eighth Amendment and Litigation

Diana Garcia (Merrill), Sydrah Al-Saegh (Cowell)Peer Relations and the Importance of Cultural Identity in Classroom Motivation

Shavit Melamed (Carson)Radio Activities: Extracurricular College Radio and Academic Success

Lauren Elscott (Carson)The Judicial Paintbrush: The Ongoing Evolution of Copyright Law and its Relationships with Creators, Corporations, and Artificial Intelligence

Kasey La (Merrill)What Was My Error?: Online Processing of Speech Disfluency by Foreign-Accented Speakers