2023 Dean's, Chancellor's, and Steck Awards
Deans' Awards are granted to 50 of the most outstanding undergraduate research theses or projects completed during the current academic year, 10 from each of the academic divisions. Chancellor's Awards are granted to the the top three Deans' Awards projects in each academic division. Both awards recognize excellence in undergraduate research as evidenced through completed projects and theses. Each Dean's Award project will receive a $100 award. Each Chancellor's Award project will receive a $500 award. The Steck Award is given to the most outstanding Chancellor's Award winning project. The names of all winners are also announced at commencement ceremony. 2023 Award Guidelines: Click Here
Each student or student team worked on a senior research or milestone project and is mentored by a UCSC faculty member, postdoc, graduate student, or researcher (noted in parentheses below). A committee in each division selects the Deans’ Award recipients. Winners of the Chancellor’s Award are recognized as being one of the top 3 projects from each of the five Divisions. The winners of the Steck Family Award for outstanding research project are denoted with an ^.
Arts Division
Chancellor Award Winners
^lavender higley (Kresge): Random With A Purpose XXXI: The Community Movement
Kyler Salameda (Cowell) and lavender higley (Kresge): Eye Like The Way She Moves
Miles Bernath (Porter): Eisenstein In Japan: How Japanese Art Influenced Film Theory
Dean's Award Winners
Sarah Krulder (Porter): Unrooted Ornamental (Scotch Broom)
Tamara Muradyan (Porter): Unbelievable!/Reach for the Stars, Aubrey!
Maxwell Ward (Cowell): Bridging Past and Present: Formulating a Community Archaeology Project at Lagunas de los Cóndores
Aja Bond (Cowell): If a Banner Drops in the Woods and No One's There to Read It, Does It Make a Statement?
Emily Tran (Kresge): Mementos
Zoe Linstrom (Porter): Social Ills: Narrating Contemporary Political Issues Through Oil Painting
Marcel Bell (Oakes): Love Jones
Baskin School of Engineering
Chancellor Award Winners
^Joseph M Cruz (Kresge): Investigating the COBRA NG2 Hemagglutinin for Universal Flu For Vaccine Development
Kiana Imani (John R. Lewis), Elizabeth Beer (Cowell), Izabella Balius (Eight), Zoe Petroff (Crown), Jonathan Zau (Kresge), Cambell Strand (Crown), Lauren Paule (Eight), Joanne Shen (Nine), Yixuan Peng (Porter), Nathan Mccall (Crown), Vidhata Singh (Crown), Christopher Schade (Crown), Haripriya (Nine), Thiago Feitosa (Eight): Helo: Accessible Type 2 Diabetes Medication Through Stable Expression of Exendin-4 in S. cerevisiae
Hayley Coyle (Crown): Deep Learning and High-Resolution Drone Imagery for Accurate Plant Species Mapping in California Coastal Communities
Dean's Award Winners
Cally Lin (Nine): Developing and Deploying the Xena Gene Set Enrichment Analysis Appyter
Fan Xia (Crown): Organoid Culture Modifications to Improve Brain Organoid Fidelity
Anand Verma (Porter): Validating Binding Interactions of CX3CR1 with RSV G Glycoprotein
Samuel Nangle (Cowell): Structural Studies of Respiratory Syncytial Virus G Glycoprotein Central Conserved Domain and Fab 2b11
Maxim Biryukov (Crown): Applying Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm to the 1D Euler-Lagrange Equation
Bradley Tait (Porter): Can 2D Stack Up to 3D, or Will 2D Fall Flat?
John Madden (Crown): Soil Power Sensor
Humanities Division
Chancellor Award Winners
Vann Jones (Merrill): What to Expect When He’s Expecting: A Complete Guide to Transmasculine Reproduction (website)
Elina Juvonen (Stevenson): "A Great Big Warm-Hearted Southern Family": The United Daughters of the Confederacy in New York City
Rachel Ledeboer (Porter): Metamorphoses of the Metamorphoses: An Examination of a 16th Century Venetian Printed Book of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in the University of California, Santa Cruz Library Special Collections & Archives
Dean's Award Winners
Owen Cooksy (Cowell): The Death of an Irish Soldier: Irish Nationalism, Ulster Nationalism, and the Murder of Henry Wilson
Maria Hele (Nine), Ashley Marshall (Stevenson): Re-Membering Motherhood: Transforming Futures through Reassembling the Iconicity of the Mother
Colin Hirschberg (Rachel Carson): Restrictions on Mandarin Bei-Passives
Tatum Kubik (Stevenson): Redefining 'Normal' Bodies: Disability Studies in Fever Dream
Russell Moore (Oakes): The Color and Politics of Locomotives on the Central Pacific Railroad
Ryan Nguyen (Oakes): Observational Reports and Cognitive States: Sellars and McDowell
Ann Niland (Kresge): To Identity Or Not To Identity: Diversity, Marketing, and the White Savior in Science Fiction & Fantasy From The Dark Tower to Star Trek
Physical & Biological Sciences Division
Chancellor Award Winners
Samuel English (Merrill): The Hidden Friend‘s Wake: Dark Matter and a Binary at the Galactic Center
Valery Ortiz (Nine): Molecular Mechanisms of PCH-2 and HORMADs during meiosis I
Martin Gutierrez (Oakes): Rescue of Blood Coagulation Factor VIII Exon-16 Mis-splicing by Antisense Oligonucleotides
Dean's Award Winners
Amanda Mohr (Merrill): The Importance of Exoplanet Research and TOI5527.01
Emma Snyder (Rachel Carson): Response of Dittrichia graveolens to competition with non-native grasses in varying soil conditions
Jennifer Waldo (Stevenson): Investigating the potential of helicopter-vessel communication for bycatch avoidance in tuna purse seine fisheries
Maryke Grobler (Oakes): Chromosomal Fusions, But Not Chromosomal Inversions, Activate a PCH-2 Dependent Checkpoint That Promotes Crossover Formation in C. elegans
Noelle Yaitanes (Porter): Investigating the Role of Kinase Tails in the Regulation of Circadian Period
Orazio Bagno (Cowell): Studying RNA Helicase Involvement in Alternative 3' Splice Site Selection Using CRISPR and RNAi
Samantha Scarlett (Crown): Synthesizing Chemically Diverse Cyclic Peptides in Effort to Determine Structure-Permeability Relationships for Drug Discovery
Social Sciences Division
Chancellor Award Winners
Annabel Bouwer (Crown): The Mindful Gaze: Trait Mindful People Under Instructed Emotion Regulation Selectively Attend to Positive Stimuli
Brianna Barrientos (Kresge): The Perseverance of Filipino Labor: An Analysis of the Competing Forces Between Filipino Advocacy and San Francisco Racial Politics
Brooke Johnson (John R. Lewis): Unpacking the Colonial Legacy of the Global Waste Trade: the Impact of National Sword as a Critical Juncture
Dean's Award Winners
Brent Horning (Nine): Globalization of the Gaze: Divine and Secular Seeing in the Durga Puja Festival of Kolkata
Elina Juvonen (Stevenson): Family and Foreign: Investigating Representation and Contradiction in 1950s Women’s Magazines
Gepeng Ding (Nine): The Cost of Political Stability: Reckoning of Policy Adjustment in China’s Local Government Financing Vehicles
Jiayue Sun (John R. Lewis): Children’s Engagement During a Museum Visit to a Mammoth Fossil Exhibit
Joy Anderson (Kresge): Affirming the Strengths of LGBTQIA+ Families in San Francisco: Barriers to Redefining Family in the Non-Profit Industrial Complex.
Morgan Yates (Stevenson): The Influence of Interactions with Pet Dogs on Psychological Distress
Serena Campbell (Merrill): “The University Needs to Listen”: Moving from Mainstream to Critical Environmentalism at UC Santa Cruz