Student Achievement Week
Student Achievement Week 2018
June 4 - June 8, 2018
Students are recognized for their achievements in research and other scholarly activities during Student Achievement Week! During this time, many will present their work publicly through a myriad of events -- everything from the Annual Print Sale, art exhibitions, and theater productions to a sciences and engineering poster symposium.
Chancellor's and Steck Awards Presentation
Thursday, June 8
Merrill Cultural Center
(by invitation only)
Three senior theses/projects from each of the five academic divisions are chosen each year, from the winners of the Deans' Awards, to receive Chancellor's Awards. This event recognizes those fifteen top research projects of the year. The Steck Award recognizes the most outstanding research project chosen from the fifteen Chancellor's Awardees and is announced at this event.
Chancellor's Undergraduate Internship Program Poster Session
Monday, June 4
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
McHenry Library
Chancellor's Undergraduate Internship Program (CUIP) participants will be presenting posters featuring the year-long projects interns complete in various offices and academic departments across the campus. The projects contribute to the advancement of the mission of the campus as well as the leadership development of the students. All are welcome to attend!
First Generation Initiative
Monday, June 4 - Friday, June 8
Campus Wide
More than 1,400 UC Santa Cruz first-generation students will be graduating this June. In fact, more than 40 percent UC Santa Cruz undergraduates are first-generation college students. To recognize the significant accomplishment of these scholars, the UC Santa Cruz First Generation Initiative is distributing #FirstGen College Grad/UC Santa Cruz T-shirts to our soon-to-be first-generation college graduates. We are also inviting our campus community to join us and wear your #FirstGen T-shirt or Supporter buttons during Student Achievement Week. Haven't sign up yet? You can join the First Generation Initiative by signing up, here. Contact
Koret Scholars Undergraduate Research Slam
Friday, June 8
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
McHenry Library
Koret Scholars will be presenting posters featuring undergraduate research, scholarship, and creativity in art, science, humanities, engineering, and social sciences. All are welcome to attend!
Merrill Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program
Thursday, May 24
(by invitation)
Merrill College sponsors this program for Merrill juniors and seniors. Students are paired with a Merrill Fellow to work up to eight hours a week as paid research apprentices on the faculty member's research. Merrill will be hosting a reception for student and faculty participants in the Merrill Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program combined with a short
Phi Beta Kappa Induction Ceremony
Tuesday, June 5
Kresge Town Hall
(by invitation only)
Undergraduates who were recently elected to Phi Beta Kappa will be formally inducted into the PBK Honors Society at this event. This year’s ceremony will recognize inductees from the graduating classes of summer 2017, fall 2017, winter 2018, and spring 2018. Winners of the Phi Beta Kappa Graduate Scholarship will also be recognized.
Film and Digital Media Student Showcase
Monday, June 4
6:00 pm
Presenting a variety of student projects from the past year that features critical studies, digital media, animation, screenwriting and (of course) film!
The Name of This Dance Changes Everyday
Friday, May 25 to Sunday, June 3
(ticketed event)
Times vary, please see show details here.
Mainstage, UCSC Theater
In collaboration with UCSC dance students, choreographer Cid Pearlman will create an interdisciplinary performance informed by Maggie Nelson's book-length poem Bluets. Pearlman and dancers will use Nelson's queer, feminist and multilayered text to create a performance that intertwines philosophy, poetics, and memoir in a rigorous and intensely personal aesthetic.
Sammy Showcase
Saturday, June 9th
12:00 pm-7:00 pm
UCSC Silicon Valley Campus in Santa Clara, California, at 3175 Bowers Avenue
Over the past nine months, students from the UCSC Game Design BA, BS, and MS programs have been working diligently on their capstone projects. This event marks the first time playable builds of every team’s game will be shown to the general public! In addition, a panel of industry professionals and alumni will be judging each game based on technical and artistic achievement, with the winners taking home a coveted Sammy Award. This year the showcase will also include research presentations from games
Friends, family, and the general public are all welcome!
UCSC's 44th Annual Student Print Sale
Friday, June 8 and Saturday, June 9th
10:00 am to 6:00 pm (both days)
The event is free and open to the public.
UC Santa Cruz Elena Baskin Visual Arts Printmaking Studio, Room G-101
This annual event attracts people from all over campus and the greater Monterey Bay community. Print Media students get to sell their original artwork and the community gets to support budding artists while collecting beautiful art. Now that’s a win-win opportunity! Hundreds of original etchings, lithographs, woodcuts, digital prints, handmade books, and more will be on display and available for purchase at extremely reasonable prices. This is a unique opportunity to see and purchase high-quality hand-made artwork, meet the artists and tour the exceptional art facilities at UCSC. Profits directly benefit the student artists and the UC Santa Cruz Printmaking Program. The sale can accept CASH & CHECKS ONLY (sorry, no credit cards). Parking is available at the performing arts parking lot using the self-service kiosks ($2.25 per hour with a 2-hour limit) or you can get a day permit at the entrance to campus for $9. Friday parking attendants will be selling parking permits at the performing arts parking lot and Saturday parking is available using the self-service kiosks
Annual Undergraduate History Showcase
Thursday, May 10
2:00 pm-4:30 pm
Stevenson Fireside Lounge
2018 History Alumna Keynote Speaker: Joe Gabent, elementary school teacher, and history alumnus.
The Undergraduate History Showcase is an annual event held each spring that recognizes the exceptional research conducted by UC Santa Cruz history undergraduates. In addition, a history alumnus delivers a keynote address in which they expound on the valuable career skills they acquired by majoring in history. Attend all or parts of the showcase as your schedule permits. Light refreshments to be provided.
Celebrating the Humanities: Spring Awards
Friday, June 8
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Cowell Provost House
Humanities Division’s awards acknowledge students who have achieved special recognition, distinctions, and honors over the course of this last year. Programming includes a poster presentation by the recipients of The Humanities Institute Undergraduate Research Fellows, remarks by student scholarship recipients, and refreshments on the lawn.
Linguistics Undergraduate Research Conference
Friday, June 8
1:00 pm to 3:45 pm
Stevenson Fireside Lounge
Towards the end of the spring quarter each year, the Linguistics Undergraduate Research Conference (LURC) showcases the research of the department's undergraduate students. This conference always features an invited speaker, a distinguished alumnus or alumna of the department.
21st Annual Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium
Thursday, June 7
2:00 pm-4:00 pm
Jack Baskin Engineering Courtyard
A forum for the presentation of undergraduate research, scholarship, and creativity in science, engineering, and mathematics. This free event is sponsored by the Division of Physical & Biological Sciences, and the Jack Baskin School of Engineering
Environmental Studies Senior Poster Symposium
Monday June 4
2:00 - 3:30 PM
Norris Center for Natural History
Interested in viewing cool projects ENVS students have been doing this year? Join us for the 2018 ENVS Senior Poster Symposium! Monday, June 4th, in the Norris Center for Natural History, NS2 239. All students and faculty are invited to attend. Students will display posters summarizing their research/projects and will be available for questions. Free food and drinks!
Natural History Art Student Exhibit
Monday June 4
2:00 - 3:30 PM
Norris Center for Natural History
A display of student artwork that features scientific illustration using a variety of art styles. The works displayed were created by the ENVS 18 students in NS2 229. All are welcome to this free exhibit sponsored by the Norris Center for Natural History. There is a fee to park in the performing arts parking lot.
Sociology End-of-Year Celebration
Friday, June 8
2:00 PM
(by invitation)
The Sociology Department will be holding a graduation and end-of-year celebration for our undergraduates. We will be recognizing sociology student achievements this past year, students who completed significant projects such as a senior thesis, passing out honors cords, and enjoying refreshments. An email invitation will be sent out to students by mid-May. Please contact us if you have not received your invitation (
If you have questions about Student Achievement Week, please email